Friday, June 4, 2010

Concrete gut

Hey there Bloggy friends. I am sooo ready for the weekend! Aren’t you! It’s going to be hard to top last weekend. My mom visited and we had a built in babysitter so the hubby and I took 2 long bike rides, ran a 5.25 mile road race and saw a movie. It was great. But this weekend, its back to the norm. My plan is to get into the pool tomorrow. I am so nervous. I wonder if I can even make it 100 yards! Then on Sunday I have an 8 mile trail run planned.

Not too long ago I did a vegan, gluten, sugar free cleanse. My goal was 21 days, I never made it that long. But I made it 14 days twice. I haven’t had meat since I started with those cleanses. So, it’s been about 6 weeks since I had meat. Anyway, my point is that I feel yucky. I keep eating junky carbs and it is amazing the effect you can see once you have cleansed. My energy level is so different and my gut feel sluggish. I almost wonder if I don’t have a gluten intolerance. I know I have a dairy one. I threw away the meringues and mini biscotti I had in my desk and I need to really try to back away from the packaged foods again. Yuck.

What is your favorite vegan snack?


Catching up with Jessica said...

How'd the swim go? I love Bora Bora bars; they are awesome!

Josh Middleton said...

Glad you're blogging again, sister!

I've wanted to try that no sugar thing too but I'll have such a hard time with no wine. I think it's great you made it that long.

It's good that you got rid of that junk food in your desk. When I go for snacks I usually opt for something with protein - like a protein bar, veggies and hummus, fruit with nuts, etc... You can find all kinds of goodies in Whole Foods or Trader Joes.

I hope your weekend is going great.


About Me

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distance runner attempting to run a marathon in every state, vegetarian foodie, mediocre triathlete, sucky swimmer, mommy to Harper, tea lover, coffee drinker, animal saver, hubby snuggler, race addict, full time working 31 year old living in cleveland
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Marathons so far

  • Sept 2012 - Corning, NY - TBD
  • April 2012 - Louisville, KY - TBD
  • Sept 2011 - Erie PA - 4:25
  • June 2011 - South Bend IN - 5 hrs+ (it was 98 degrees!)
  • Dec 2010 - Rehoboth Beach DE - 4:26:06
  • Nov 2010 - Huntington WV - 4:11:44
  • Oct 2009 - Towpath - Cleveland area OH - 4:30:35
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