Monday, July 13, 2009

Run your ass off

Has anyone been watching Dance your Ass off? I just can't get enough of bad reality tv. Loves it. I hope I can run, spin, yoga and urban iron mine off! So, I lost 8 lbs in 6 weeks, not bad, but I hope to drop 10 in this next 6 weeks. In order to do that I am going to have to step up the intensity of my runs and watch my food more closely. Oh and I am going to get back on my bike! Probably just indoors, but still I need to get back on my bike. And lastly, walk the dogs more. I've been lazy about that and they've only been getting a mile lately. I need to try to take them twice or walk them 2 miles most days. I am going to post my workout plans in the sidebar as a reminder to myself that I put them out there so I need to do them! I am starting this 6 weeks schedule with 15 lbs to get to my pre-preggo weight, 17 to get to my happy weight and 22 to get to my ultimate goal weight. Which I am aware may never happen again, lol. Although I must say that I really don't feel like my body has changed much since baby, some people definately have a change of their hips, but I already had wide hips, so I don't see a difference and since I was able to put on some pre preggo jeans the other night I think I am right.
We took Harper to the zoo last week. Obviously at 3 months, she didn't care much. But Cleveland zoo has indoor fish tanks and she seemed to like those. Please ignore how scrubby I look in the photo, lol.
Question for you moms. Did you kids go through a phase around this time where they only wanted to be w/you? Usually Harper loves her daddy and smiles a goos at him, but starting Sat she's been really fussy with him. He watched her for me on Sat for 6 hours. She took one bottle no problem and got halfway through another, but she cried for the last 3o mins straight and quieted right down when I got home. I felt so bad. I breastfed her and she ate like crazy. I know she hates the bottle, we need to work on that. I am also thinking maybe it's just a growth spurt and she needs to eat a lot more, so she's fussy. She did the same thing on Sunday when I was gone for 25 mins walking the dogs, got fussy the last 5 and cried. But she is all smiles with me... :( We were at his dad's Sat night with a bunch of people and she wasn't as happy to be held by others as she usually is, but it was also bedtime. Ideas?


Angela said...

If she's just over 3 months, it's a little early for the separation anxiety and attachment stuff but that certainly could be it. Brayden started with it sooner than Ryan did. Ryan was about 7 months and Brayden about 4.5 to 5 months.

Think about makes sense. You are the one she relies on all day every day for food, entertainment, soothing and diapering. Any mom will understand this phase so don't feel bad about that. It may be difficult for your husband though. I know Tim really had a hard time with both boys because of it.

Ryan didn't last too long in that phase, only a few months. Brayden on the other hand is still sort of in that phase although he's getting better so for him it's lasted almost a year. And the attachment will get "worse" or stronger before it gets better. Just be patient and understanding and try to let your husband still do/attempt to help as much as possible to offset this.

Congrats on the workouts by the way!

Josh Middleton said...

I'm glad you guys had fun at the zoo. She gets cuter everyday!

Trishie said...

8 lbs in 6 weeks rocks ! go monica !

N.D. said...

you are doing great!! NIck has done that here and there, but not a phase like. She is getting so big amd you look fantastic!

About Me

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distance runner attempting to run a marathon in every state, vegetarian foodie, mediocre triathlete, sucky swimmer, mommy to Harper, tea lover, coffee drinker, animal saver, hubby snuggler, race addict, full time working 31 year old living in cleveland
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Marathons so far

  • Sept 2012 - Corning, NY - TBD
  • April 2012 - Louisville, KY - TBD
  • Sept 2011 - Erie PA - 4:25
  • June 2011 - South Bend IN - 5 hrs+ (it was 98 degrees!)
  • Dec 2010 - Rehoboth Beach DE - 4:26:06
  • Nov 2010 - Huntington WV - 4:11:44
  • Oct 2009 - Towpath - Cleveland area OH - 4:30:35
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