Friday, February 22, 2008

Beware the girl scouts

TGIF and all that jazz. Woke up this morning to 5 inches of snow in my driveway! But I got my butt to the gym anyway and did 4 miles on the dreadmill, some pushups and bosu situps and headed home. Tonight I hope to run a few more miles outside. Last night Sara and I did 5, it was cold and I had to pick Gary up from the car dealership b/c he took my car to get serviced, so I didn’t get to run any longer. We went to Dicks and both got some new bike shorts while we waited for Toyota to call. So I am left with 16 miles to do this week, which wouldn’t be a big deal except this morning on the dreadmill the top of my left foot started screaming at me. You know how the little bones on the top of your foot? Well everytime I took a step, they hurt towards the inside of my foot. Bad juju I tell you. Running on snow should be okay tonight I hope. If worse comes to worse and the pain is bothering me on a snow run, then I might just have to take a few days off which means I will be short on my miles this week, which sucks my ass, but I would rather do well in that 30K next week then trudge out a bunch of junk miles. Which is all I’ve been doing this week, bad run after bad run. I have been so slow lately. I hope when spring comes I can find it in me to really work on speed.

Oh and beware people it’s girl scout cookie season, yikes! I already got attacked by some Lemon-aids this morning. I hope I can sidestep the thin mints.

TRISH - if you are reading this, I lost your email addy! Do you remember the website that allows you to set up a page where you can take donations for a race? I had one for my MS trip, you had one for the marathon, but can't remember the website!


Brian said...

Come out to lock 29 at 6:30 for a couple of miles and 7:30 for 13 miles. should be lots of fun with all the snow.

As for the top of your foot. I get that pain once in a while. Ice and ibuprofen and it'll go away. Rest also helps, but who has time for that.

Tea said...

Those girl scout cookies are SO good. I haven't had them in YEARS. CanNOT be around them. :)

To answer your question: the first set is typically slow/mod, then fast, then sprint. Then 20 sec rest, do the next set. You can use your watch, or you can use perceived exertion to make sure you're going faster. Typically, when I feel like I'm drowning, I' know I'm sprinting. LOL.

triguyjt said...

I just tagged you. It's a pain, but I hope you do it anyway!

The rules are as follows:
# Link to the person who tagged you
# Post the rules on your blog.
# Share seven random and/or weird facts about yourself on your blog.
# Tag seven random people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs.
# Leave a comment on their blogs so that they know they have been tagged.


Josh Middleton said...

What's a bosu sit-up? I wanna do some!

Christine said...

I hate those weeks of bad runs. It makes me want to quit life..haha. But dont will get through it! And yes All my family is still in Cleveland. I grew up on the Westside in Avon Lake and miss it dearly..(not the snow though)

Brian said...

I just tagged you. It's a pain, but I hope you do it anyway!

The rules are as follows:
# Link to the person who tagged you
# Post the rules on your blog.
# Share seven random and/or weird facts about yourself on your blog.
# Tag seven random people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs.
# Leave a comment on their blogs so that they know they have been tagged.


B Bop said...

Dang, I was hoping to tag you too!!!
It sounds like you might be thinking of a firstgiving page.

If you know of another site that does the same thing let me know. I'd like to use whichever one takes less of the donations for themselves. I just set up a firstgiving page, but have not presented it to the free world yet.

Keep plugging along....spring is on its way.

ramblings of a runnner said...

don't worry about bad runs in the winter - at least you are getting runs in - be proud of yourself b/c it takes a heck of a lot more effort to get a slow winter run in than it does to get in a fast spring day run!

About Me

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distance runner attempting to run a marathon in every state, vegetarian foodie, mediocre triathlete, sucky swimmer, mommy to Harper, tea lover, coffee drinker, animal saver, hubby snuggler, race addict, full time working 31 year old living in cleveland
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Marathons so far

  • Sept 2012 - Corning, NY - TBD
  • April 2012 - Louisville, KY - TBD
  • Sept 2011 - Erie PA - 4:25
  • June 2011 - South Bend IN - 5 hrs+ (it was 98 degrees!)
  • Dec 2010 - Rehoboth Beach DE - 4:26:06
  • Nov 2010 - Huntington WV - 4:11:44
  • Oct 2009 - Towpath - Cleveland area OH - 4:30:35
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