Friday, February 15, 2008

sick on a friday :(

This is so not fair. I feel like I am sick every other week I swear. I get enough sleep, I mostly take my vitamins, I drink tons of water everyday, yet I am frigging.sick.again. Argh. When I woke up this morning b/c Taiko the butthead was whining b/c he had to take a poo at 1am, I was really sick to my stomach, so I was like ggreeaattt I ate something bad at dinner last night. As I let him out, I pounded some peptobismol and got back into bed and had the worst time falling back asleep. When I woke up at 7, I realized that my throat was super sore and inflamed and the back of my mouth/nose area just feel cruddy, as do I. My belly aches, my throat hurts and my nasaly area is all inflamed. FFFFFF!!!! You could say that I do too much, I need to slow down, but I’ve had 2 rest days this week! 2! And today will likely make 3, grrrr. So, I am contemplating leaving work and going home. Well, I contemplated calling off today and staying in bed, but the thing is I have a 10:00 meeting I really can’t miss. So, after that meeting should I go home? I hate to take a day when I am already here, know what I mean. But on the other hand, our house is incredibly dirty and I was going to have to clean it Sat (while G works on some things on the basement) and I have been dreading it. I could go home and take a nap and then clean a room at a time and then veg in between and go into the weekend with a spick and span house, which makes me all giddy just thinking about it. I HATE cleaning, but LOVE a clean/tidy house and right now it’s as dirty as Lindsey Lohan. Decisions, decisions. But I really should be saving my days off b/c I am going to have to go to KY more than I have in the past this year and we're going to OR/CA for a week in Oct.

But anyway, we went to Melange last night at La Place in Beachwood b/c we had one of those radio gift certificates, where you pay $25, but you get a $50 gift cert, good deal. The place is really cute and they have a very good menu. I had a beet salad that was very nice, it was a little pyramid of beets all stacked together and in the middle there was grapefruit and goat cheese, it was tasty. So, was the bread they give you and it came with olive oil, olive dip and citrus butter, all good. Now, my meal was a ribeye with some blue cheese crumbles and a little sauce with a few pieces of carrot and asparagus and some sweet potatoe puree. The steak just wasn’t good. It was nothing more than I would have made at home b/c I suck at marinades and seasonings. It was just bland, so was Gary’s porkchop. They don’t do meat any justice there. The sweet potato puree was delish, but only b/c it was nothing but brown sugar and butter. So, all in all, subpar food. Not worth the $70 total bill. The glass of wine I had – Menage a tois – was a really good white though and I will have to look for a bottle. They had a good beer selection too. We wanted dessert, but since we weren’t pleased with our food, we decided to go hit up Mitchell’s Fish Market and get our favorite dessert ever, their banana caramel bread pudding. Yum to the izum, it did not disappoint. Totally worth the trip.

I was home in time to see Lost and boy was it a good episode last night!


Josh Middleton said...

Sounds like you guys had a nice Valentines Day. Sorry you're feeling sick today. Sounds like it's something that will pass quickly so that you'll have a roaring good weekend!

Love ya, Josh

Patricio said...

That kinda sucks you guys had an ok meal... at least the dessert was a hit!
I think 90% of the ppl are sick.... crazy weather.. it's that time of the year. Hopefully after taking off today you'll feel better. Drink lots of agua and stay warm!

GP said...

It's been decided: it is officially the sick season of healthy people. Everyone I know who takes care of him/herself, trains or just does good things is falling like flies. What's the deal?

I hope you get well soon and get out of work. What a crappy place be when you feel even worse.

But if I haven't said it before, wouldn't you rather just save your time off for sunny, healthy days? Maybe that's just me. Maybe I'm just confused.

Brian said...

Everyone is sick now. I'm finally getting over mine after like 3 weeks. But I still managed to work out most days with it. Maybe that's why it lasted 3 weeks.

Still haven't tried mitchel's. I've been meaning to get there for probably 2 years.

Anonymous said...

Sorry you're sick.

Check out for swedish goggles. They also have 'grab bag' suits for under $30 -- you provide your size, they send you whatever they have.

Feel better!

B Bop said...

Hope you can kick the little bug you've got quickly. Like Brian, I was down for 3 weeks with whatever I had. Ugh.

Tea said...

I am feeling your pain! You know I'mreally sick when I CAN'T EVEN BLOG!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry that you're not feeling well :( I hope you feel better soon.

triguyjt said...

monica...while i am not sick, orhave been this winter...i have had one of those blah weeks.
(training so so...etc) i just look forward to monday/
clean slate and get back at it.
I stopped flogging myself about these times years ago. once in a while my bride catches me verbally abusing myself.haha..and calls me on it...
so you had to leave melange to get a good dessert??sheesh

About Me

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distance runner attempting to run a marathon in every state, vegetarian foodie, mediocre triathlete, sucky swimmer, mommy to Harper, tea lover, coffee drinker, animal saver, hubby snuggler, race addict, full time working 31 year old living in cleveland
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Marathons so far

  • Sept 2012 - Corning, NY - TBD
  • April 2012 - Louisville, KY - TBD
  • Sept 2011 - Erie PA - 4:25
  • June 2011 - South Bend IN - 5 hrs+ (it was 98 degrees!)
  • Dec 2010 - Rehoboth Beach DE - 4:26:06
  • Nov 2010 - Huntington WV - 4:11:44
  • Oct 2009 - Towpath - Cleveland area OH - 4:30:35
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