Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Really I have abs under all this padding

So, I stepped on the scale this morning and it wasn’t pretty. I am slowly creeping back to a weight zone that I am very unhappy at. If I could be as good about food as I am about working out, I would be golden! In an attempt to keep myself more accountable, I am going to post my food on my blog everyday. Now, I seriously doubt anyone is interested in reading what I am eating, but I really really don’t want to get back to logging and weighing and measuring everything on Calorieking, so I will write it here and hope that having it out there for my 2 readers will keep my honest. If you ever want to make a comment about my food, I won’t be offended, feel free! I am also going to go get my body fat tested to see where I stand. THis all goes along with me saying yesterday that I would cut out the coffee and the work lunches.

On to more interesting things. I went to a Nutrition for Endurance Athletes seminar last night at the Bike Authority. It was pretty interesting. I wanted to buy pedals for my bike and I did, but unfortunately my shoes will not work with the look or speedplay pedals, so new shoes are in order. Which sucks b/c that’s another $100. I am afraid to go the ebay route b/c I want to be assured they will work with the pedals I bought. I ended up getting look pedals b/c they are bigger than the speedplay which means I can pull my foot out and still have a pedal to use, whereas the speedplay are shaped like a lollipop and so small that you can really only pull your foot out when it is time to stop. I thought until I am more comfortable, the look pedals would be better for me. And they were cheaper! Tonight I head to another Excel in Cycling class and am bummed that I won’t be able to clip in. I might run over to the Solon bike shop and see what they have.

Today’s food:
Breakfast – chicken lime burger from Trader Joes (240 cals), coffee with soy creamer (45 cals)
Snack - Kashi Go lean rollup bar (12 g protein, 190 cals)
Lunch – black bean salad (330 cals), hard boiled egg (80 cals), 6 big brussel sprouts (40 cals)
Dinner – Wendy's small chili (yum)
Snacks- big pink lady apple, popcorn (100 cals), diet hot chocolate (25 cals), cliff bar (240c) during cycle class


Josh Middleton said...

Sounds like you're on a roll so far today! I always heard that if you have small meals all throughout the day, then your metabolism will be boosted and stabalized.

What in the hell is a hammer gel? That doesn't sound very good..

Anonymous said...

how can your cat be the poster child for diabetes? my cat already has that honor.

we need to talk to the poster people about this.

you don't want to know what i had for breakfast today.

B Bop said...

Maybe you can just buy different cleats for your current shoes, no??

E-Speed said...

Hey Monica. My training is sort of sketchy right now. I haven't really been trying to do any set amount of miles on any given day, it just happened that the past two weeks I ended up with 40. With the ultra training I've gotten used to 1 or 2 longer runs on the weekend and honestly those are most of my miles. Not the best way to train! If I were trying to be good and train correctly I would want to run 4-6 days a week and have my long run be no more than 1/3rd of my total mileage.

But to answer your question
last week I ran 5 days. 2.5, 5, 4, 10, and an 18 miler
the week before I did 5 runs in 4 days. 5, 11 (3+7), 10, and a 15 miler

This year I think I only had one week that I ran all 7 days. I think my longest streak was 12 days in a row. You really should build in at least one day off a week for recovery though.

I run with SERC mainly (I'm their VP), but I also get out with runners from CTC, TNT, SARC, NERC, Vertical Runner, and Second Sole. I'm not picky :)

B Bop said...

Yeah, not all shoes are spd, look, & speedplay compatible. Look's are a good choice, IMO. The large platform gives increased power transfer & may help eliminate hot spots.

I wouldn't recommend trying to spin without being clipped in....your shoes are likely to slip off of the pedals and give you a nice scrape/bruise on your shin at best or land you on the concrete at worst. I suppose falling over at least once in your clippless pedals is a right of passage......luckily I have only gone down once, was going very slow (just getting going on a small uphill) and there was only one spectator to my spill. I got up and peddled off as quick as I could ;-)

WWG said...

Hi :), Nice blog
Look from Quebec Canada

WWG :)

About Me
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distance runner attempting to run a marathon in every state, vegetarian foodie, mediocre triathlete, sucky swimmer, mommy to Harper, tea lover, coffee drinker, animal saver, hubby snuggler, race addict, full time working 31 year old living in cleveland
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Marathons so far
  • Sept 2012 - Corning, NY - TBD
  • April 2012 - Louisville, KY - TBD
  • Sept 2011 - Erie PA - 4:25
  • June 2011 - South Bend IN - 5 hrs+ (it was 98 degrees!)
  • Dec 2010 - Rehoboth Beach DE - 4:26:06
  • Nov 2010 - Huntington WV - 4:11:44
  • Oct 2009 - Towpath - Cleveland area OH - 4:30:35
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